Episode 3: Jennifer Goldman on Self Love, Inner Beauty, and Mood

Well, here we are, Shutdown Week… Seven? Eight? But really who’s counting at this point……. O right maybe all the Spa and Salon owners waiting to reopen.

Confession: I’ve completely lost track. And from what I’ve heard from some of you, I’m definitely not alone. Things are changing at warp speed, and the world looks completely different from when we close our eyes at night to when we wake up in the morning. I cannot think of a more perfect time then now to touch on one of my all time life purposes. Self Love with lots of Self Care woven through that to keep ourselves grounded and motivated.

With all that in mind, I thought it would be the perfect time to share the inspiring story and beautiful wisdom of Jennifer Goldman. She owns Essential Rose Life, the first mood enhancing beauty brand for skin and emotional wellbeing (sign me UP!). So tune in and get ready to fall in love with Jennifer — and to show some love to yourself, too.

Jennifer truly walks her talk on a daily bases and I know how hard that can actually be. We are in a time and space right now that is filled with so much uncertainty and our mental wellbeing is SO IMPORTANT now more than ever. And since we are going to be in the throws of business reopen in the near future I think focusing on some new practices of Self Love or putting your intention back there for a bit, you might find a new way to walk into the days and weeks ahead. Be Well!

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